Week 36
Week 37
Its been awhile since I have written. Not a whole lot has been going on. I have my navigation checkride on Monday. I think I am ready. There is a lot of stress on me to do good on this ride. It almost seems that the rest of our lives will be determined by one checkride. If I do really good I will secure my spot in the top of the class and get what I want at drop night, if not then who knows what I will get. Larissa as always has no worries and always says I will do just fine, but my being mr. anxiety and with the million things that can go wrong on every flight am still nervous. Flying this past couple of weeks has being going good. I have been doing the usual flying all over texas and occasionally to the neighboring states. We went and visited the aliens at Roswell, NM a couple of times. The highlight of recent flying to me is still the low levels. I really enjoy flying with my hair on fire super low to the ground. We scared the crap out of a trucker on one of my routes the other day. Our turn point took us right over interstate 10 and it just so happened he was coming right at us. So my IP told me to have some fun and I dumped the nose at him and dove right at him. We were so close I could see the driver. Last Thursday we went on an out and back to Laredo. Pretty much the only thing there is a Walmart and a Fuddruckers. We had decided enroute that we would eat there and I told everyone about the challenge. They all thought it was funny how much food it was. When we got to the restaurant and I started to order they all issued me the challenge again. I felt like marty on back to future when they called me chicken, so I had to accept. Luckily, I was not the one flying back, and there is a bathroom on the airplane just incase. I was smart this time and did not get the chili fries, and it was still harder then I remember. I did get it all down and impressed everyone. They did not have shirts there but I do have a picture on the wall. I cant believe how close I am to being done. After my checkride I will only have 14 more flights left in pilot training. That equates to about 3 to 4 weeks of flying left. I am excited to be complete and get my wings. Looking back this has been one of the longest and shortest year of my life.

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